The challenge
This hospital provides services to 1,465 beds, with 24 operating theatres and 12 UTPR and requires a sturdy and IP nurse call communication system with the IPTV solution, that covers the entire room area, with a central monitoring system which is simple for better personnel efficiency and greater client satisfaction.
The ALCAD solution
ACCURO, ALCAD’s 100% IP nurse call system, can be found in this hospital with the central monitoring system, CHC-231, flush mounted in the walls of each room, counting on the emergency call system connector integrated on the headboards. Likewise, bathroom pull-cords have been installed with an IP66 degree that is higher than usual and control posts in all nurse zones. With this solution the Àlvaro Cunqueiro hospital counts on a current system and of the future; expandable, adjustable and scalable for future ALCAD and third party innovations.
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