ALCAD Facility BIM Objects: bringing our products to your projects and designs

BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology has become, for some time now, a standard in the design of all types of projects, from hospitals to residential buildings. At ALCAD Facility we are aware of the importance it has acquired in recent years, so, to facilitate the day-to-day work of engineering and architectural firms, we already have our own library with elements of our ACCURO and LIVERO platforms.
BIM is a cloud-based collaborative work methodology for the creation and management of a construction project, with the aim of centralising all the project information in a digital information model created by all its agents. More and more companies are using BIM methodology, reflecting the strategic importance of digital transformation in the sector.
Do you want to get your ALCAD Facility BIM library? Please contact us!
Thanks to this technology, all the agents involved in a construction project can consult and modify any detail in a single 3D model, throughout the entire construction life cycle and from any location. It is therefore a working environment that promotes the exchange of information and reduces the risk of information loss.
BIM is the evolution of traditional blueprint-based design systems, incorporating geometric, time, cost, environmental and maintenance information. The model is updated in real time as the BIM project progresses - thus, in addition to adjusting the deadlines and budgets of the design, construction and delivery phases, the client can visualise the status of the project at any time.
ALCAD Facility BIM Library
At ALCAD Facility we are aware of the importance that BIM methodology has acquired over the last few years. Therefore, and faithful to our philosophy of working side by side with engineering and architectural firms and facilitate their daily work, we already have our own library with elements of our ACCURO and LIVERO platforms, ready to incorporate into any project. This is the result of more than a year of work with HABIC, the equipment, furniture and design cluster of the Basque Country.
ALCAD Facility's BIM library provides a wide range of benefits, from creating a 100% collaborative environment to cost savings. In particular, our BIM objects contain essential information about any product, from maintenance-related data to exact measurements, colours, performance or category. All this metadata greatly facilitates the work of the engineering or architectural teams in charge of drafting any construction project.
Any questions? Please contact us. We will be happy to help you.