New fall detection radar for hospitals and nursing homes: round-the-clock monitoring

Can you imagine having a virtual caregiver assistant in every room, 24/7, in your hospital or nursing home? Our new non-optical 4D imaging radar provides exceptional fall detection, protecting patients and residents without cameras, hard-to-access buttons or wearable devices.
Older adults and people with mobility problems demand both constant protection and freedom from buttons and pendants. They also want the dignity that goes hand-in-hand with privacy – nobody wants a camera in the bedroom or bathroom.
Our touchless technology is built around non-optical 4D imaging, providing 24/7 automatic fall detection and unique visibility into activity.
Furthermore, our API integration allows it to work with all nurse and warden call systems, social alarm units and care platforms.
- High resolution.
- 140° field of view.
- Coverage area of 20 m2 (ceiling installation) or 16m2 (wall installation).
- Works in all lighting conditions.
- Operates effectively in steam – ideal for bathrooms.
- Small and discreet form factor.
Dignity, privacy and independence
The system offers:
- Alerts:
- Fall detection: eliminates long lies.
- Fall prediction: identifies unreported falls.
- Wander control: notifies on empty room.
- Unwanted visitor: alerts on unauthorized presence.
- Insights:
- Loneliness prevention: monitors time alone in room
- Mobility assessment: measures time at rest
- UTI identification: tracks bathroom usage
- Staffing support: registers resident interactions.
Any questions? Please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
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