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The ALCAD wandering user monitoring system can assist work with users with orientation problems, Alzheimer's, senile dementia, etc.

Every day we encounter users showing signs of orientation problems such as Alzheimer's, senile dementia, etc. These types of users may attempt to leave without permission from the centre, to the detriment of their own safety and that of the care centre.

That is why ALCAD has integrated the Wandering User Control module into its ACCURO platform, which provides control mechanisms that prevent this type of escape and facilitate care work.

The solution consists of ergonomic, waterproof wristbands worn by users. In the control areas (exit doors, stairs, corridors, elevators, etc.) activators are placed that detect when a wandering user approaches a supervised area.

As soon as this happens, the wristband will emit a signal to the receiving station that controls the area, which can activate an audible alarm, send an order to lock a door, etc... In addition, it will indicate to the system the event that occurred, so that staff can carry out whatever actions are deemed appropriate.

General outline:

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