ALCAD Facility: we face 2022 with high expectations after a very positive 2021

This years balance could not be more positive for our ALCAD Facility business unit. Our new Artificial Intelligence proposals, which can be integrated into our ACCURO nurse call system, represent a new technological revolution in the healthcare environment and have created great expectations in the market. With this endorsement, we face 2022 with great expectations for growth.
This success has been reflected in the face-to-face events we have attended in the last quarter of the year, with functional panels that have helped us to demonstrate our star solutions in situ to the professional public:
- The wandering control system with AI. Integrated in the Real Time Location Systems (RTLS), which allows patients and users to be located in the most human and efficient way, as it does not require physical elements (wearables or tags), as well as launching alerts and calls when they reach a previously defined point within the building.
- The voice assistant with AI, which initiates an emergency call without having to press any button. By simply saying the word 'ACCURO', the device goes on alert, waiting for a verbal instruction from the user or professional, who no longer has to press any buttons.
Three eventful months
Activity during the first part of the year was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a delicate time, but it did not prevent us from being present at the 2nd National Congress on Dependency and Healthcare, held as part of HIP (Hospitality Innovation Planet) from 22 to 24 March at IFEMA (Madrid). Among the visits received at our stand, the Spanish Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, who thanked ALCAD Facility for the responsibility acquired by the sector, stood out.
Against this backdrop, our face-to-face activity was concentrated in the last quarter. From September to December we were able to attend some of the most important events in the sector:
- From 28 to 30 September we were present at the 38th Hospital Engineering Seminar, organised by the AEIH - Spanish Association of Hospital Engineering in Gijón (Spain).
- On 8 November we went to Paris to participate in SANTEXPO, the International Exhibition of Health and Innovation. ALCAD Facility team was there together with our partner and distributor in France, the company NEOVIEW, specialist in communication and security solutions.
- On 24 November, some of the most prestigious architects and consultants from the Middle East visited our factory in Irun, on the occasion of the reverse mission organised through the HABIC Cluster.
- We were also in Mexico, where we travelled from 30 November to 2 December to participate in the Basque Living breakfast meeting and the face-to-face event 'New collaborative spaces', with the architect Nadia Borrás. Both events were organised by the HABIC cluster, open to specifiers and distributors.
- Closer to home, the director of the Business Unit, Juan Alos, took part in HOSPEA - Healthcare Industry Forums. For two days, on 30 November and 1 December, he had the opportunity to hold one-to-one meetings with some of the most important purchasing decision-makers/prescribers in the country.
Partnerships: continuing to grow with the best
2021 will also be remembered at ALCAD Facility as the year in which we forged two new strategic alliances.
On the one hand, we joined forces with LDA Audio Tech and Detnov to create Atalaia Alliance. This is a unified, state-of-the-art access control, emergency and fire management and evacuation system. This integration offers the advantage of having a platform that guarantees security in any facility, while complying with current regulations on detection, control and evacuation.
On the other hand, in order to strengthen our presence in the French market, in the middle of the year we reached an agreement with NEOVIEW, a company specialising in communication and security solutions, which became our partner and distributor in France.
People: international business expansion
With more than 30 years of experience, ALCAD Facility exports to more than 60 countries on five continents. Our firm decision to continue expanding our boundaries has led us in 2021 to incorporate new professionals to our commercial team:
- Alejandra M. Londoño Henríquez, Business Development Manager (Colombia and LATAM).
- Jose Larez, Healthcare Business Development (United States).
- Syed Noman Jafar, Country Manager (Pakistan).
- Jitendra Bhatt, Business Development Manager (India).
2022: a year full of excitement
With this road travelled in a year complicated by many situations affecting the market, we face 2022 full of enthusiasm. Expectations for the coming year are high, thanks in large part to the projects that we have already closed and that we will begin to serve from January.
In addition, we have established a large number of new contacts who have understood what our solutions can bring to their facilities. In particular, the integration of Artificial Intelligence in our ACCURO nurse call communication system, with which we are leading a new technological revolution in the healthcare environment.
Not surprisingly, this paradigm shift will allow us to make a new qualitative leap in the quality of patient and user care in hospitals and nursing homes. Staff will obtain natural working tools, with increasingly smaller and more powerful devices, with multiple functions and more integrated into the décor. For their part, patients and users perceive a friendly and warm atmosphere, with exquisite and minimalist designs that help to create a sense of comfort.
Any questions? Please contact us. We will be happy to help you.