SERWES: a new management model that facilitates the daily work carried out by nursing home professionals and guarantees the maintenance of long-term care for the elderly

ALCAD Facility is part of the group of companies that is developing the SERWES technology (a project co-financed by the Hazitek program of the Basque Government), a platform of support services for nursing homes that puts a new management model on the board, by involving the resident and their family and that implies coordination between the social system and the health system.
Other first level companies such as DomusVi, Irontec, Init Group and the collaborating agent of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network, Vicomtech, participate with us.
The SERWES project is a novel product in the field of geriatrics. A management model that involves the user and their family and that facilitates better coordination between the social system and the health system.
It is a technological platform that integrates different support services for residents and that allows the joint exploitation of all the information collected in order to provide high value-added services. Among these services, the automatic monitoring of residents, the detection of anomalous or risky behaviors in real time, and the prediction of decompensations or physical / cognitive deterioration stand out.
Juan Alos, director of ALCAD Facility, acknowledges that “for us it is a pleasure to work and collaborate on a project of these characteristics together with a leading company in the social health sector such as DomusVi. We understand that the future of this sector depends on artificial intelligence, which provides the nursing homes with systems with proprietary technology that allow them to anticipate any type of problem, from the automatic monitoring of residents to the detection of anomalous behavior in real time.”
According to Roberto González, head of R + D + i at DomusVi, “SERWES represents a clear improvement in the quality of care provided to our residents, as well as an improvement in the tools that we make available to DomusVi professionals. It is also an advance in the digitization of residences and is perfectly aligned with our DomusVi 4.0 strategic project.”
All information is collected on a common platform that unobtrusively monitors residents, detects dangerous situations and abnormal behavior patterns that trigger alerts, and thus predict future decompensation and physical or cognitive deterioration in order to take action in due course.
New formulas to sustain long-term care
SERWES has been a great challenge at the level of development and integration of new services and tools. Javier Escobal, Director of Innovation at Grupo Init, points out that “being part of the SERWES project gives us the opportunity to move towards a new scenario and accompany nursing homes with quality services that allow systematizing the monitoring and evolution of residents in an agile, digitized and automated way, to facilitate the work of nursing home staff and improve communication with family members.”
In this sense, and due to the general aging of the population, it is necessary to look for new formulas that guarantee the maintenance of long-term care for the elderly. It is a search for comprehensive and intelligent solutions that improve the quality of life of residents and their families, facilitate the daily work carried out by nursing home professionals and contribute to the sustainability of residential centres and the provision of general care.
The vision of SERWES focuses on facilitating the care of residents and the daily management of the residence itself by developing different services and intelligent tools capturing information from users in different areas of action (such as location, health, etc.) through a variety of types of smart devices and systems (wearables, cameras, etc.) and grouping and exploiting all the information collected through artificial intelligence technology.
The 4 main services to be integrated into the platform are: a resident locator service, a health monitoring service, a property control service and a dangerous event detection service.
As Gorka Rodrigo, commercial director of Irontec, states, “SERWES has given us the opportunity to deepen the application of embedded technologies for industrial purposes in a very different field such as healthcare settings. This project allows us to research and develop new products based on embedded Linux and Bluetooth integrations such as protocols such as LMP, L2CAP and SDP, in addition to RFCOMM that we will be able to apply in the scope of this project and other business areas of the company."
Thanks to SERWES it will be possible to optimize the working time of professionals by having a tool that allows monitoring of many patients at the same time, which leads to a reduction in healthcare costs, sustainability of healthcare systems and personalization of care for the elderly.
All this situation will help to reduce the risk situations of geriatric patients in nursing homes, thus creating safer residences.
According to Eduardo Carrasco, senior researcher at Vicomtech, “through this initiative a great process of digital transformation has been undertaken that will undoubtedly boost health and well-being in nursing homes. It is a great satisfaction for Vicomtech to provide state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence technologies to reinforce the care and attention processes for residents."
This link describes the project in greater depth:
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